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27 Years of Scouting.....
With the 3rd Bromley

Group photo
The 3rd Bromley Group in 1980

Go cart fun
Home made Go Cart fun at a Father and Son Camp
In 1974, Christina and I moved to Bromley in South East London. We did not know anyone in Bromley at all, so I decided to see if there was a need for Cub Leaders with several years of experience. I went to see the District Commissioner Bert Fisher and he said that we were just the very people he was looking for and we had our own Cub Pack and could start right away.

So this is how we became Cub Leaders at the 3rd Bromley. For me it was the start of 27 years of service with this Group.

I did lots of different jobs at the 3rd Bromley including Cub Leader, Group Chairman and Group Scout Leader. Plus anything and everything else of course.

The 3rd Bromley is the oldest surviving Group in Bromley and has been Scouting for over 100 years.

I had lots of fun times at the 3rds and here is a collection of photographs which I hope you will enjoy.
Above - Me investing Phillip Butcher

Right - A sponsored walk in Norman Park 1970s
Our float at Bromley Carnival. We had a habit of winning the prize.
                      Land rover
Scouts collecting at a carnival parade
View from
                      the float
The float heading down Bromley High Street.
3rd Bromley "Sputnik" Pack
At camp
On parade at Downe. 1970s
Trying to sell raffle tickets. Norman Park
Cub Camp
Exploding paint at Cub Camp
Cub Camp
The first Cub Camp I organised. Wilberforce 1978
Releasing helium balloons.
A party
A Cub party. 1970s
Pack in my
A Pack meeting in my garden
Father and
                      Son Camp 80
Christina and Stephen at camp in 1980

Every year since the 1960s, the 3rd Bromley has held its annual Father and Son Camp (later renamed Family camp after we started taking girls in the Scouts). These were themed events at which "Patrols" competed in a fierce competition to see who could gain the most points and make the most themed gadgets. This often led to some rather strange sights as you will see in these pictures:

Blindfold fencing in 1993. Stephen is on the right.


Above - A Dad (Stefan Oprych) mixing Plum Duff

Right - Marge giving out random points. 1989
                          the Primus stove going
Cooking on the Primus stove. 2001
Above - A Roman chariot race. 1991

Right - Me at a Scottish themed camp. 1996

Dr Who
Dressed as Dr Who with K9 and one of the old enemy 1994

Medal of Merit
After all those years, John Hammond presents me with the Medal of Merit. 2002

The 3rd Bromley Scout Group is still going strong. I often visit and have attended many camps since leaving Bromley for Norfolk. You can find their website here.